hown in the exhibit be configured to allow connectivity between all devices?

How should the FastEthernet0/1 ports on the 2950 model switches that are shown in the exhibit be configured to allow connectivity between all devices?

How should the FastEthernet0/1 ports on the 2950 model switches that are shown in the exhibit be configured to allow connectivity between all devices?

The ports only need to be connected by a crossover cable.

SwitchX (config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
SwitchX (config-if)# switchport mode access
SwitchX (config-if)# switchport access vlan 1

SwitchX (config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
SwitchX (config-if)# switchport mode trunk
SwitchX (config-if)# switchport trunk vlan 1
SwitchX (config-if)# switchport trunk vlan 10
SwitchX (config-if)# switchport trunk vlan 20

SwitchX(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1
SwitchX(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

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A. is incorrect because router to switch uses a straight through cable.

B. is incorrect because we are setting up a trunk and not access port.

C. is incorrect because you dont configure vlans on trunks.



a) is not the best choice because link being cross-over is not sufficient
b) ports connecting the switches should not be configured as access mode
c) trunks are intervlan ports, should be forwarding all vlan’s traffic(that are existing and active,allowed,not pruned,not STP blocking state)