Drag the WAN characteristics on the left to the branche office model where it would most likely to be used on the right.

Drag the WAN characteristics on the left to the branche office model where it would most likely to be used on the right.

Drag the WAN characteristics on the left to the branche office model where it would most likely to be used on the right.



Small Office
•Redundant Links
•Internet Deployment Model
Medium Office
•Redundant devices
•Private WAN deployment
Large Office
•Redundant Links and Devices
•MPLS Deployment model
Small Branch Design
The small branch design is recommended for branch offices that do not require hardware
redundancy and that have a small user base supporting up to 50 users. This profile consists of an
access router providing WAN services and connections for the LAN services.
The Layer 3 WAN services are based on the WAN and Internet deployment model. A T1 is used
for the primary link, and an ADSL secondary link is used for backup. Other network fundamentals
are supported, such as EIGRP, floating static routes, and QoS for bandwidth protection.
Medium Branch Design
The medium branch design is recommended for branch offices of 50 to 100 users, which is similar
to the small branch but with an additional access router in the WAN edge (slightly larger) allowing
for redundancy services.
Large Branch Design
The large branch design is the largest of the branch profiles, supporting between 100 and 1000

users. This design profile is similar to the medium branch design in that it also provides dual
access routers in the WAN edge. In addition, dual Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA) are used
for stateful firewall filtering, and dual distribution switches provide the multilayer switching
component. The WAN services use an MPLS deployment model with dual WAN links into the
WAN cloud.
Cisco Press CCDA 640-864 Official Certification Guide Fourth Edition, Chapter 7

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