What is the acceptable amount of one-way network delay for voice and video applications?

What is the acceptable amount of one-way network delay for voice and video applications?

What is the acceptable amount of one-way network delay for voice and video applications?

300 bytes

1 sec

150 ms

500 ms


Delay Components in VoIP Networks
The ITU’s G.I 14 recommendation specifics that the one-way delay between endpoints should not
exceed 150 ms to be acceptable, commercial voice quality. In private networks, somewhat longer
delays might be acceptable for economic reasons. The ITU G.114 recommendation specifics that
151-ms to 400-ms one-way delay might be acceptable provided that organizations are aware that
the transmission time will affect the quality of user applications. One-way delays of above 400 ms
are unacceptable for general network planning purposes.

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