Which two capabilities of NetFlow accounting assist designers with network planning?

Which two capabilities of NetFlow accounting assist designers with network planning? (Choose two.)

Which two capabilities of NetFlow accounting assist designers with network planning? (Choose two.)

the monitoring of processor time on network devices

the calculation of packet and byte counts of network traffic

the decoding and analyzing of packets

the presentation of a time-based view of application usage on the network

the monitoring of user network utilization

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“Network planning and analysis: Link and router capacity.”
– P586



Wrong answer. Should be B and D, not E !



@ASD, the given answers above are correct: B and E.

NetFlow Definitions & Benefits:
1. User Monitoring and Profiling — NetFlow data enables network engineers to gain detailed understanding of customer/user utilization of network and application resources. This information may then be utilized to efficiently plan and allocate access, backbone and application resources as well as to detect and resolve potential security and policy violations.

2. Accounting/Billing — NetFlow data provides fine-grained metering (e.g. flow data includes details such as IP addresses, packet and byte counts, timestamps, type-of-service and application ports, etc.) for highly flexible and detailed resource utilization accounting. Service providers may utilize the information for billing based on time-of-day, bandwidth usage, application usage, quality of service, etc. Enterprise customers may utilize the information for departmental charge-back or cost allocation for resource utilization.

From Cisco NetFlow Services Solutions Guide, located at: