What is the name of the organization that is in charge of creating the FCAPS architecture?

What is the name of the organization that is in charge of creating the FCAPS architecture?

What is the name of the organization that is in charge of creating the FCAPS architecture?






FCAPS was actually created by the ISO not the ITU-T so if the above is a type-o than B is the correct answer. However, the ITU-T did refine FCAPS as stated below.

In the early 1980s the term FCAPS was introduced within the first Working Drafts (N1719) of ISO 10040, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Systems Management Overview (SMO) standard. At that time the intention was to define five separate protocol standards, one for each functional area. Since initial experiences showed that these protocols would become very similar, the ISO working group responsible for the development of these protocols (ISO/TC97/SC16/WG4, later renamed into ISO-IEC/JTC1/SC21/WG4) decided to create a single protocol for all five areas instead. This protocol is called common management information protocol (CMIP). In the 1990s the ITU-T, as part of their work on Telecommunications Management Network (TMN), further refined the FCAPS as part of the TMN recommendation on Management Functions (M.3400). The idea of FCAPS turned out to be very useful for teaching network management functions; most text books therefore start with a section that explains the FCAPS.

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