You are creating a resource definition called WEBAPP for a web-based application that requires
an application called WEBVIP.
Both WEBVIP and WEBAPP are normally active on a single node, but may fail over if required to
another cluster node in your eight-node cluster.
A second VIP application resource called appsvip exists, used by a second application resource
called secapp. webvip and webapp must start In the correct sequence.
Which two start dependencies would you use for the WEBAPP application resource definition?
pullup (WEBVIP)
weak (WEBVIP)
Start Dependencies
Define a hard start dependency for a resource if another resource must be running before the
dependent resource can start. For example, if resource A has a hard start dependency on
resource B, then resource B must be running before resource A can start.
Oracle recommends that resources with hard start dependencies also have pullup start
dependencies. weak
If resource A has a weak start dependency on resource B, then an attempt to start resource A
attempts to start resource B, if resource B is not running. The result of the attempt to start
resource B is, however, of no consequence to the result of starting resource A.
If resource A has an attraction dependency on resource B, then Oracle Clusterware prefers to
place resource A on servers hosting resource B. Dependent resources, such as resource A in this
case, are more likely to run on servers on which resources to which they have attraction
dependencies are running. Oracle Clusterware places dependent resources on servers with
resources to which they are attracted.
Use the pullup start dependency if resource A must automatically start whenever resource B
starts. This dependency only affects resource A if it is not running. As is the case for other
dependencies, pullup may cause the dependent resource to start on any server. Use the pullup
dependency whenever there is a hard stop dependency, so that if resource A depends on
resource B and resource B fails and then recovers, then resource A is restarted.
If you specify the dispersion start dependency for a resource, then Oracle Clusterware starts this
resource on a server that has the fewest number of resources to which this resource has
dispersion. Resources with dispersion may still end up running on the same server if there are not
enough servers to disperse them to.
Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)
A is wrong. it has nothing to do with SECAPP
B is wrong. it has nothing to do with SECAPP
C is right. start dependency is hard, oracle recommend to add pullup dependency as well. it is for stop dependency HARD.
D is right. start dependency is hard
E is wrong. not dispersion
F is wrong. not weak, it is hard
So C.D. are correct