A junior SAN engineer is asked to prepare the configuration for the NPV edge switch. The NPV
edge switch will be connected to the NPV core switch via the fc 1/24 interface. The end device will
be connected to the fc 1/1 interface and should be placed in VSAN 10. Which configuration for the
NPV edge switch accomplishes this request?
Select the best response.
feature npv
interface fcl/24
switchport mode F
interface fcl/1
switchport mode F
vsan database
vsan 10 interface fcl/1
vsan 10 interface fcl/24 153373-15
feature npv
interface fcl/24
switchport mode F
interface fcl/1
switchport mode F
vsan database
vsan 10 interface fcl/1
vsan 10 interface fcl/24 153373-7
feature npv interface fcl/24
switchport mode F
interface fcl/1
switchport mode F
vsan database
vsan 10 interface fcl/1
vsan 10 interface fcl/24 153373-3
feature npv
interface fcl/24
switchport mode F
interface fcl/1
switchport mode F
vsan database
vsan 10 interface fcl/1
vsan 10 interface fcl/24 153373-11