What is the difference between inside and outside NAT?

What is the difference between inside and outside NAT?

What is the difference between inside and outside NAT?

Outside NAT translates addresses of hosts residing on the more secure interfaces of the PIX
Firewall to addresses on the least secure interface. Inside NAT translates addresses of hosts
residing on the more secure interfaces of the PIX Firewall to addresses on any more secure
interface except the actual most secure interface.

Outside NAT translates addresses of hosts residing on the more secure interfaces of the PIX
Firewall while inside NAT translates addresses of hosts residing on the less secure interfaces.

Outside NAT translates addresses of hosts residing on the less secure interfaces of the PIX
Firewall while inside NAT translates addresses of hosts residing on the more secure interfaces.

Inside NAT’s main purpose is to control the IP addresses that appear on inner networks, while
outside NAT’s main purpose is to hide IP addresses of hosts on outer networks.

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