Which DDL operation is supported on the table after enabling Flashback Data Archive?

You enabled Flashback Data Archive on the INVENTORY table. Which DDL operation is
supported on the table after enabling Flashback Data Archive?

You enabled Flashback Data Archive on the INVENTORY table. Which DDL operation is
supported on the table after enabling Flashback Data Archive?

Drop the table.

Partition the table

Truncate the table.

Add a column to the table.

Rename a column in the table.

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GuanYing Wu

GuanYing Wu

The answer is wrong?
Flashback Data Archive supports many DDL statements, including some that alter the table definition or move data. For example:

ALTER TABLE statement that does any of the following:

Adds, drops, renames, or modifies a column
Adds, drops, or renames a constraint
Drops or truncates a partition or subpartition operation

RENAME statement that renames a table

Some DDL statements cause error ORA-55610 when used on a table enabled for Flashback Data Archive. For example:

ALTER TABLE statement that includes an UPGRADE TABLE clause, with or without an INCLUDING DATA clause

ALTER TABLE statement that moves or exchanges a partition or subpartition operation

DROP TABLE statement

If you must use unsupported DDL statements on a table enabled for Flashback Data Archive, use the DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.DISASSOCIATE_FBA procedure to disassociate the base table from its Flashback Data Archive. To reassociate the Flashback Data Archive with the base table afterward, use the DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.REASSOCIATE_FBA procedure.



It seems that not only D is correct but C and E as well.



yes, i do think so…



I agree with CDE is correct:

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) users can now use most DDL commands on tables that are being tracked with Flashback Data Archive. This includes:

Add, Drop, Rename, Modify Column
Drop, Truncate Partition
Rename, Truncate Table
Add, Drop, Rename, Modify Constraint

For more complex DDL (for example, upgrades and split table), the Disassociate and Associate PL/SQL procedures can be used to temporarily disable Total Recall on specified tables. The Associate procedure enforces schema integrity after association; the base table and history table schemas must be the same.

This feature makes it much easier to use the Total Recall option with complex applications that require the ability to modify the schema.



Correct answer is C,D,E.