What type of threat consists mainly of random hackers

The security team at Certkiller Inc. is working on securing the network by understanding the type of threats. What type of threat consists mainly of random hackers using various common tools (such as malicious shell scripts, password crackers, credit card number generators, and dialer daemons)?

The security team at Certkiller Inc. is working on securing the network by understanding the type of threats. What type of threat consists mainly of random hackers using various common tools (such as malicious shell scripts, password crackers, credit card number generators, and dialer daemons)?

A internal threat

An external threat

A structured threat

A unstructured threat


Unstructured threats – These threats primarily consist of random hackers using various common tools, such as malicious shell scripts, password crackers, credit card number generators, and dialer daemons. Although hackers in this category may have malicious intent, many are more interested in the intellectual challenge of cracking safeguards than in creating havoc.
Reference: Cisco Courseware p.2-14

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