What are two common problems for video in the absence of QoS? (Choose two)

What are two common problems for video in the absence of QoS? (Choose two)

What are two common problems for video in the absence of QoS? (Choose two)

Dimmer video images.

Jerky video image movement.

Fuzzy edges on video images.

Unsynchronized audio and video.


Today the Internet is serving a large population of all walks of life. The Internet has also grown in its service offering. Users are using the Internet to view static or dynamic information, transmit voice and video, shop, play etc.
Along with these new applications of the Internet come some demands on the service(s) it provides:
1) Some applications are slow
2) Video broadcast or conferencing may have bad picture quality or appear jerky
3) Voice sessions may have bad voice quality or periods of silence
4) Critical transactions may take too long (too many seconds)
5) Bulk transfers take too long (too many hours)
Reference: Introduction to IP QoS p.3

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