You have a ZFS file system named /dbase/oral and you want to guarantee that 10 GB of storage
space is available to that dataset for all data, snapshots, and clones.
Which option would you choose?
zfs set refreservation=10g dbase/oral
zfs set quota=10g dbase/oral
zfs set refquota=10g dbase/oral
zfs set reservation=10g dbase/oral
A ZFS reservation is an allocation of disk space from the pool that is guaranteed to
be available to a dataset. As such, you cannot reserve disk space for a dataset if that space is not
currently available in the pool. The total amount of all outstanding, unconsumed reservations
cannot exceed the amount of unused disk space in the pool. ZFS reservations can be set and
displayed by using the zfs set and zfs get commands. For example:
# zfs set reservation=5G tank/home/bill
# zfs get reservation tank/home/bill
tank/home/bill reservation 5G local
Reference: Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide Setting , Reservations on ZFS File Systems
You can use the quota property to set a limit on the amount of disk space a file system can use
you can use the reservation property to guarantee that a specified amount of disk space is available to a file system
D – set a reservation to guarantee the required disk s[ace to the file system.