Place the DTP mode with its correct description.

Place the DTP mode with its correct description.

Place the DTP mode with its correct description.



1) Trunk: Set the switch port to trunk mode and negotiate to become a trunk. 2) Nonegotiate:
Specify that the DTP packets are not sent out of this interface. 3) Access: Set a switch port to
permanent nontrunking mode.4) Dynamic Auto: Set the switch port to respond, but not actively
send DTP frames. 5) Dynamic Desirable: Make the interface actively attempt to convert the link to
a trunk link. (This means the interface is ready to autonegotiate trunking encapsulation and form a
trunk link (using DTP) with a neighbor port in desirable, auto, or on mode.)
Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) is the Cisco-proprietary that actively attempts to negotiate a
trunk link between two switches.
Below is the switchport modes (or DTP modes) for easy reference:

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