Choose three actions by which you can set a text item as read-only

Choose three actions by which you can set a text item as read-only.

Choose three actions by which you can set a text item as read-only.

Set the item as Text Field (Disabled, saves state)

Set the item as Password

Navigate to Page Definition > Edit that item > Navigate to Read Only section > Select “Always�
from the Read Only Condition Type

Set the item as Text Field (Disabled, does not save state)

Set the item as Text Field (always submits page when Enter pressed)

A: Change Items to Display-onlyTo make the item P2_REC_CREATE_DATE
C: Read Only Condition Type:
Defines conditions and expressions that determine if the item displays as read-only. Use this
attribute to display certain items to a set of users as updatable, while displaying that same set of
items to others users as nonupdatable. Reduces the need to code duplicate interfaces for different
D : For Application Item Protection you can use:
/ Restricted – May not be set from browser
The item may not be altered using the URL or POSTDATA. Use this option when you want to
restrict the way that the item value can be set to internal processes, computations, and so on. This
attribute is applicable only to items that cannot be used as data entry items and is always
observed even if Session State Protection is disabled.
Use this attribute for application items or for page items with any of these Display As types:
* Display as Text (escape special characters, does not save state)
* Display as Text (does not save state)
* Display as Text (based on LOV, does not save state)
* Display as Text (based on PLSQL, does not save state)
* Text Field (Disabled, does not save state)
* Stop and Start HTML Table (Displays label only)

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