Which two statements are true when navigating on a Page Definition window?

Which two statements are true when navigating on a Page Definition window?

Which two statements are true when navigating on a Page Definition window?

an LOV appears only if it is associated with an item on that page.

an Authorization scheme appears only if it is associated with a region on that page

A Region Template appears only if it is associated with an item on that page.

The last updated history for the page would appear.

Images that are referred in the regions on the page appear.

A: The Referenced Components page lists page components and shared
associated with the current page.
Note: A list of values (LOV) is a static or dynamic definition used to display a specific type of page
item, such as a radio group, check box, popup list, or select list. LOVs can be static (that is, based
on a set of predefined display and return values) or dynamic (based on SQL queries that select
values from tables). Once created, an LOV can then be referenced by one or more page items.
You define LOVs at the application level by running the LOV Wizard and adding them to the List of
Values repository.
D: The History page displays a history of recent changes to the currently selected page by
developer (or user), application, page number, modification date, component, and
Reference: Oracle Application Express, Application Builder Users Guide, Release 3.2,
Understanding the Page Definition

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