You are debugging an application module method that seems to be causing an error when the
argument value is anything but “2”. How could you most efficiently debug this issue?
Set a breakpoint on the first line of the method implementation and set the breakpoint property
to break only for threads named oracie.jbo.Exception.
Set a breakpoint on the first line of the method implementation and set the breakpoint pass
count property to 2.
Set a breakpoint on the first line of the method implementation and set the breakpoint condition
to arg ! = 2.
Set a breakpoint on the method declaration (where the argument is defined) and step through
the breakpoint at execution to determine the argument value.
Set a breakpoint on the method declaration (where the argument is defined) and set the
condition to arg = = 2.
causing an error when the argument value is anything but “2″
So the most efficient way to debug is: C
few people are posting A!! not sure!
The answer is C. The question says [… value is anything but “2”]