how would you add functionality for reading and updating all of the appropriate attributes for each type of user?

Considering the inheritance depicted in the image above, how would you add functionality for
reading and updating all of the appropriate attributes for each type of user?

Considering the inheritance depicted in the image above, how would you add functionality for
reading and updating all of the appropriate attributes for each type of user?

Create a view object that defines a query as SELECT User.NAME, Users.Phone,
Users.MailingAddress, Users.UsersType, Employee.JobId, Employee.Salary,
Employees.HireDate, Employee.Comission, Customers.CreditLimit, Custoners.Status,
Customers.ShippingAddress, Customers.CreditCardNo FROM USERS users, USERS
Employees, USERS Customers.

Create a view object based on userEO, EmployeeEO, and CustomerEO. Ensure that the join
type on EmployeeEO and CustomerEO are set to inner join, and select the reference checkbox.

Create a view object for UserEO and select EmployeeEO, and CustomerEO as subtypes.
Select all attributes from UserEO, EmployEo, and CustomerEO to include the view object.

Create three object, one for each user type. Create view links between USerVO. User type and
Employee VO. UserType and between UserVO. UserType and CustomerVO.UserType, and
define UserType as a discriminator in UserVO.

Create a view object for UserEO. Define UserType as a discriminator and supply a default
value. Create appropriate subtypes EO for each VO, and supply a default value for UserType.


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I’m guessing E.