BGP contains two paths to a destination. Assuming both routes were originated locally and
have an equal weight. what will be the next determining factor in choosing the best path?
lowest MED
highest local preference
lowest neighbor IP address
lowest origin code
shortest AS-path
Memorizing the BGP decision process steps is very useful and you should remember them.
The table below lists the complete path selection process:
1. Weight (Bigger is better)
2. Local preference (Bigger is better)
3. Self originated (Locally injected is better thaniBGP/eBGP learned)
4. AS-Path (Smaller is better)
5. Origin (Prefer ORIGIN code I over E, and E over ?)
6. MED (Smaller is better)
7. External (Prefer eBGP over iBGP)
8. IGP cost (Smaller is better)
9. EBGP Peering (Older is better)
10. RID (Lower is better)