How will you model a Type II Slowly-Changing Dimension?

How will you model a Type II Slowly-Changing Dimension?

How will you model a Type II Slowly-Changing Dimension?

Add an additional column to the dimension table to capture a version of change

Overwrite an existing dimension table record with the changed record

Add a new row to the dimension table with a new key for the changed record

Do Nothing

Dimensional Modeling – Slowly Changing Dimensions
* Type 1 – Overwrite Original Value
A change does not require tracking
* Type 2 – Add a new record
With Type II SCD, a new version of the dimension record (row) is created, and the existing version
is marked as history.
Each row does not correspond to a different instance of an entity but a different state, a
snapshot of the instance at a point in time.
Note: Tracking changes in dimension is referred in datawarehousing as slowly changing
In the source system a lot of changes are daily made :
new customers are added,
addresses are modified,

new regional hierarchies are implemented,
or simply the product descriptions and packaging change.
These sorts of changes need to be reflected in the dimension tables and in several cases, the
history of the changes also needs to be tracked.
By remembering history, we are then able to look at historical data and compare it to their current

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Pratik Sharma

Pratik Sharma

Ans: A



No, the official answer is right! The answer should be “C”

It would be “A” if it is of Type 3 dimension.



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