You have decided to change the instance type for instances running in your application tier that is using Auto
Scaling. In which area below would you change the instance type definition?
Auto Scaling policy
Auto Scaling group
Auto Scaling tags
Auto Scaling launch configuration
When selecting an instance to terminate when a scaling condition is met, Auto Scaling attempts to preserve
instances with the current launch configuration, and will thus terminate instances that do not have the current
launch configuration. When more than one instance meets this criterion, Auto Scaling will terminate the
instance running for the longest portion of a billable instance-hour (without running over). Optionally, you can
configure a policy to terminate the oldest or newest instance instead. To target a specific instance for
immediate termination, you can also use the TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup API.
D, auto scaling launch configuration
A launch configuration is a template that an Auto Scaling group uses to launch EC2 instances. When you create a launch configuration, you specify information for the instances such as the ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), the instance type, a key pair, one or more security groups, and a block device mapping. If you’ve launched an EC2 instance before, you specified the same information in order to launch the instance.
When you create an Auto Scaling group, you must specify a launch configuration.
Policy just tells the thing when to scale