Object Security controls access to Subject Areas, Tables, and Columns in OBIEE and can be
implemented by using which method?
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Database Authentication
Business Logic Object Security
External Table Authentication
LDAP Authentication
Object-level security controls the visibility to business logical objects based on a
user’s role. You can set up object-level security for metadata repository objects, such as subject
areas and presentation folders, and for Web objects, such as dashboards and dashboard pages,
which are defined in the Presentation Catalog.
1) Business logic object
This controls access to objects, such as:
* subject areas
* presentation tables
* presentation columns
For example, users in a particular department can view only the subject areas that belong to their
department.2) Web object security
This provides security for objects stored in the Web Catalog, such as dashboards, dashboard
pages, folders, and reports. You can view only the objects for which you are authorized. For
example, a mid-level manager may not be granted access to a dashboard containing summary
information for an entire department.
Ans: C (Not 100% sure though)