What is the correct configuration for interface Ethernet 1/1 of a Cisco Nexus 5000 Series
Switch when it is a member of port channel 101 connected to FEX 101?
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 10
switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,30
fex associate 101
channel-group 101
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode fex-fabric
channel-group 101
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
fex associate 101
channel-group 101
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode fex-fabric
fex associate 101
channel-group 101
because Channe-group ( Id) & FEX associate (ID) must be applied to the interface port used in Switchport mode Fex Fabric