You are setting up a local image packaging System (IPS) package repository on your Oracle
Solaris 11 server. The information and specifications that you have are as follows:
The Oracle Solaris11 repository ISO image has been downloaded into the /repo directory (a zfs
file system).
The current publisher is:
You will be replacing the current publisher with:
The location of the repository will be /export/IPS. This ZFS file system has already been created.
Among the steps you will perform is to set the publisher to the local repository by using the pkg set
– publisher command.
Which six other steps are required to set up the local IPS package repository?
Perform an rsync on the ISO image to copy the files from the ISO image to the /export/IPS file
chmod 700 on/export/IPS
Use the svccfg command to set the pkg/inst_root property to export/IPS.
Use the svccfg command to set the pkg.inst_root property to /export/IPS.
Use the svccfg command to set the pkg/readonly property to the application/pkg/server service
to true.
Use the svccfg command to set the pkg/readonly property for the application/pkg/server service
Refresh the application/pkg/server service with the svcadm refresh command.
Refresh the package repository with the pkgrep refresh command.
Enable the application /pkg/server service.
Run the pkhrepo rebuild command to rebuild the repository catalog.
B: Set the correct permissions.
Serving a Local Repository Using SMF
4. (A) Copy the repository files to the ZFS file system you created. This will increase the
performance of repository accesses and avoid the need to remount the .iso image each time the
system restarts. (Be sure to use /mnt/repo, not /mnt/repo/, so that you copy the repo directory and
not just the files and subdirectories in the repo directory.)
# rsync -aP /mnt/repo /export/repo2010_11
You can use the df command to confirm the copy:
5.Once the files are copied, unmount the image and deallocate the block device.
6. Now that your local copy is ready, use the svccfg command to configure the repository server
service, specifying the location of your local repository and setting readonly to true:
(D)#svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root=/export/repo2010_11/repo
(E)#svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/readonly=true
7. Start the pkg.depotd repository service:
(G) #svcadm refresh application/pkg/server
(I)#svcadm enable application/pkg/server
Reference: How I Created Local Package Repositories
Correct A,C,E,G,I and maby B (in instruction not chmod command)
D incorrect syntax “pkg.inst_root”, correct “pkg/inst_root”;
F incorrect value “false”;
H incorrect syntax “pkgrep” command, correct “pkgrepo”, but maybe it’s a typo;
J incorrect syntax “pkhrepo rebuild”, correct “pkgrepo” and bad options “rebuild”;
A, D, E, G, H, I
i didn’t find B, that is needed.
Why is “D”, and not “C”?
If you see the documentation, the error in the “D” and “C”:
Now that your local copy is ready, use the svccfg command to configure the repository server service, specifying the location of your local repository and setting readonly to true:
# svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root=/export/repo2010_11/repo
Tthat is:
in “D” incorrect “pkg.inst_root” but correct “/export/IPS”
in “C” correct “pkg/inst_root” but incorrect “export/IPS”
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