An enterprise developer has received ejb-jars from multiple Bean Provides and wants to combine
them into a single ejb-jar as well as altering the method permissions on some of the beans without
recompiling any of the code contained in the ejb-jar. Which is correct?
Bean Provide is the only role that can perform this task.
Deployed is the most appropriate role to perform this task.
Either a Deployer or System Administrator role many perform this task.
This problem cannot be solved using an EJB 3.x-compliant approach.
Application Assembler is the most appropriate role to perform this task.
Application Assembler
The Application Assembler combines enterprise beans into larger deployable application units.
The input to the Application Assembler is one or more ejb-jar files produced by the Bean
Provider(s). The Application Assembler outputs one or more ejb-jar files that contain the enterprise
beans along with their application assembly instructions.
*EJB Structure
The EJB Java ARchive (JAR) file is the standard format for assembling enterprise beans. This file
contains the bean classes (home, remote, local, and implementation), all the utility classes, and
the deployment descriptors (ejb-jar.xml and sun-ejb-jar.xml).
*The Application Assembler can also combine enterprise beans with other types of application
components when composing an application.
Reference:Match the seven EJB roles with the corresponding description of the role’s