After a year of working with HR and Financial Analytics, your organization chooses to add Sales
Order Management Analytics. How would you combine this new module with the existing ones in
the BI Applications installation?
Build a new Sales Order Warehouse and ETL rules to source it. Then import its metadata into
DAC and model as new physical layer in the BI repository. Test your work in Answers.
Install Oracle BI Applications Sales Order Management and create the extra objects in the
existing warehouse. Perform a table scan from DAC and check connection pools in the BI
repository. Test your work in Answers and Dashboards.
Make a backup of your ETL, the Warehouse, BI Presentation Catalog and BI Repository. Install
Oracle BI Applications Sales Order Management and have the extra objects created by a script in
the existing warehouse and Informatica Repository. Seed the DAC repository with new metadata,
test new Out-of-the-Box execution plans, merge the newly installed BI repository with the backup
and do the same with the presentation catalogs. Enable logging and test your work in Answers
and Dashboards.
Make a backup of the BI Presentation Catalog and BI Repository. Run the installation for
Oracle BI Applications Sales Order Management. Merge all new objects with your back-up
materials. Enable logging and test your results in Answers.
Build a new Sales Order Warehouse and ETL rules to source it. Then import its metadata into
DAC and build new execution plans based on the new Warehouse objects. Enable the BI
repository with Sales Order metadata and cross-analysis and test your work in Answers.
Install Oracle BI Applications Sales Order Management. After the installation check the
connection pools in the BI repository. Test your work in Answers and Dashboards.
You got to back up everything and be sure you seed the dac with all of the metadata or it just won’t work. Plus, the other stuff checks out on C. Is it just or is the longest answer usually right? These exams are janked up.
C is mostly suitable
C is mostly suitable too