which service component?

In the design phase, conducting an onsite discovery workshop to gather data about the critical elements required for a predictable deployment are activities for which service component?

In the design phase, conducting an onsite discovery workshop to gather data about the critical elements required for a predictable deployment are activities for which service component?

Project Kick-off

Implementation Plan

Business Plan

Migration Plan Development

Business Requirements Document

Staging Plan Development


Complete test cases in the staging plan Image software and load configuration according to technology Perform basic out-of-box testing to verify: All units power up All systems boot up
The first activity in the Staging process is to Install System Components. There are three tasks associated with Installing System Components. They are: Verify received equipment against Bill of Materials. Catalogue, tag, add components, devices and applications to customer’s inventory. Assemble components in staging area.
Next, you will complete test cases in the Staging Plan Development. To complete the test cases, two tasks should be performed. You should image the software and load the configuration according to the technology. Also, you will want to perform basic out-of-box testing to verify that all systems boot up.

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