Indentify the dimension that appears most often in queries in a data warehouse.
Product dimension
Time dimension
Cost dimension
Location dimension
In a data warehouse, a dimension is a data element that categorizes each item in a
data set into non-overlapping regions. A data warehouse dimension provides the means to “slice
and dice” data in a data warehouse. Dimensions provide structured labeling information to
otherwise unordered numeric measures. For example, “Customer”, “Date”, and “Product” are all
dimensions that could be applied meaningfully to a sales receipt. A dimensional data element is
similar to a categorical variable in statistics.
The primary function of dimensions is threefold: to provide filtering, grouping and labeling. For
example, in a data warehouse where each person is categorized as having a gender of male,
female or unknown, a user of the data warehouse would then be able to filter or categorize each
presentation or report by either filtering based on the gender dimension or displaying results
broken out by the gender.