Which two statements about the PMM-DETACHED state are true? (Choose two)

Which two statements about the PMM-DETACHED state are true? (Choose two)

Which two statements about the PMM-DETACHED state are true? (Choose two)

A 3G SGSN cannot reach reach the mobile Subscriber location because the location in unknown.

The Mobile subscriber performs a routing area update of the routing area update if the routing area changes.

The service RNC tracks the location of the mobile subscriber.
Build Your Dreams
PassGuide 650-082

The Mobile subscriber location is Known in 3G SGSN with an accuracy of a Serving RNC.

The mobile subscriber and SGSN contexts hold no valid location or routing information for the mobile subscriber.

Signaling towards the HLR is needed if 3G SGSN does not have an MM context for this mobile Subscriber.

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