(Choose two.)

User SCOTT wants to perform a bulk insert operation in the EMP_DEP table. SCOTT receives the
following error after the INSERT statement is issued and few rows are inserted:
INSERT INTO EMP_DEP (emp_id,name,salary,dep_name,mgr_id)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table SCOTT.EMP_DEP by 128 in tablespace USERS
Identify two actions either of which will help you resolve this problem. (Choose two.)

User SCOTT wants to perform a bulk insert operation in the EMP_DEP table. SCOTT receives the
following error after the INSERT statement is issued and few rows are inserted:
INSERT INTO EMP_DEP (emp_id,name,salary,dep_name,mgr_id)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table SCOTT.EMP_DEP by 128 in tablespace USERS
Identify two actions either of which will help you resolve this problem. (Choose two.)

Grant the RESOURCE role to SCOTT.

Add data files to the USERS tablespace.

Grant the CREATE ANY TABLE privilege to SCOTT.

Increase the space for SCOTT on the USERS tablespace.

Increase the size of the data file associated with the USERS tablespace.

The Oracle docs note this on the ora-01653 error:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table string.string by string in tablespace string
Cause: Failed to allocate an extent of the required number of blocks for a table segment in the
tablespace indicated.
Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the
tablespace indicated.
Oracle MOSC Documents offer great resources on resolving ORA-01653, namely the nature of
the problem as it relates to space availability:
————This error does not necessarily indicate whether or not you have enough space in the tablespace,
it merely indicates that Oracle could not find a large enough area of free contiguous space in

which to fit the next extent.
Diagnostic Steps:
—————–1. In order to see the free space available for a particular tablespace, you must use the view
DBA_FREE_SPACE. Within this view, each record represents one fragment of space. How the
view DBA_FREE_SPACE can be used to determine the space available in the database is
described in Note 121259.1 Using DBA_FREE_SPACE
Furthermore, MOSC offers these choices in resolving ORA-01653 (as quoted below):
Manually COALESCE Adjacent Free Extents
Defragment tablespace
View temporary segments for space

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