How does RUEI establish end-to-end performance metrics for a Web application that is being monitored?

How does RUEI establish end-to-end performance metrics for a Web application that is being

How does RUEI establish end-to-end performance metrics for a Web application that is being

End-to-end performance is what is calculated as “server performance” + “network performance”
metrics, where “server” means performance of the data center and “network” is the network
between the data center and the end-user.

End-to-end performance is what is calculated as the total of “server performance” + “network
performance” metrics, where “server” means the individual contribution of all servers in the stack,
and “network” is the network latency within the data center.

End-to-end performance is what is calculated as “transaction load time” + “client think time,”
where “transaction” means any given transaction request from a user and “client think time” is the
wait time for an end-user to get the response of that transaction request.

End-to-end performance is what is calculated as the response times observed by the synthetic
robots of RUEIthat executesa fixed set of activities against the Web-based application. RUEI
provides breakdowns into each Tiers of that transaction, summarizing the end-to-end response


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