How can you move them to the appropriate canvas?

You have just created radio buttons labeled Outstanding, Exceeds, Meets, and Does not Meet for
the employee appraisal rating, but you accidentally created it on the Employee_Training canvas
rather than on the Employee_Appraisal canvas. How can you move them to the appropriate

You have just created radio buttons labeled Outstanding, Exceeds, Meets, and Does not Meet for
the employee appraisal rating, but you accidentally created it on the Employee_Training canvas
rather than on the Employee_Appraisal canvas. How can you move them to the appropriate

Open the Layout Editor for both canvases; drag the radio buttons from Employee_Training
canvas to the Employee_Appraisal canvas.

Drag the radio button nodes from the Object Navigator to the EmployeeAppraisal canvasinthe
Layout Editor.

Drag the radio group node from the Object Navigator to the Employee__Appraisal canvasinthe
Layout Editor.

Set the Canvas property for the radio buttons to Employee_Appraisal

Set the Canvas property for the radio group to Employee_Appraisal.

You cannot move existing radio buttons to another canvas; you will need to delete them from
the Employee_Training canvas and create new ones on the Employee_Appraisal canvas.

Note: Example of radio group:
Creating radio buttons
We will now create radio buttons for the Sex item to give the user an option of selecting either
Male or Female.28.
* To do this, right click on the Sex
item in the Layout Editor and go to itsProperty palette.
* In the Property Palette, Set:- Item Type : Radio Group- Initial Value : M30.
Once you return back to the Layout Editor, you have to insert radio buttons.Select Radio Button
icon from the toolbox. Drop the radio button into the form.
* A window will appear, prompting you to select the radio group you would liketo attach this radio
button to. Select the radio group Sex

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seventeen + six =



You can drag and drop objects between layout editors. E is correct.



Answer E is Correct



E is correct