Which of the following utilities can you use to perform this task?

You need to back up the Registry. Which of the following utilities can you use to perform this task?
Choose all correct options.

You need to back up the Registry. Which of the following utilities can you use to perform this task?
Choose all correct options.

Windows Registry Checker

System File Checker.

System Restore

All of the above

Windows Registry Checker can be used to check the Registry for consistency and back it up. You
can also restore a previous copy of the Registry from inside Windows, using the Windows Registry
Checker. System Restore is used to create restore points or incremental backups, and is a backup
tool for the Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating systems. You can use
System Restore to back up the Registry for these specific Windows operating systems.

Incorrect Answers:
B: System File Checker is used to compare non-Windows files which a program has installed, to
original Windows files. You can use System File Checker fix an important Windows file that was
overwritten by a source other than Microsoft.
D: System File Checker cannot be used to back up the Registry.Reference:David Groth and Dan
Newland, A+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition, Alameda, Sybex, 2004, p. 795.James G. Jones, Craig
Landes, A+ Exam Cram, 2nd Edition, Que Publishing, Indianapolis, 2003, Chapter 16

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