Which of the following is used to test for continuity in a copper cable? (Choose all that apply)

Which of the following is used to test for continuity in a copper cable? (Choose all that apply)

Which of the following is used to test for continuity in a copper cable? (Choose all that apply)

A multimeter

A wire crimper

An optical tester

Time-Domain Reflectometer

A multimeter is a device that is used to measure voltages and resistances in electronic components. It can also be used to test for continuity in a wire. A continuity test will indicate if there is a break in the wire. A Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR), which is also called a cable tester, is a device that sends out a signal and measures the time it takes for the signal to return. A break in the cable will cause the signal to return prematurely and will indicate the presence of, and the distance to, a break in the cable.
Incorrect Answers:
B: A wire crimper is used to attach RJ-45 connectors to a cable by using pressure to press some kind of metal teeth into the inner conductors of the cable. It is not used to test for faults in the cable.
C: An optical tester is a device that measures the quality of strength of light signals passing through an optical cable.
David Groth and Toby Skandier, Network+ Study Guide (4th Edition), Sybex, Alameda CA, 2005, pp. 12, 439.

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