Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate action to take?

You are a technician at Domain.com. You have been sent to a newly opened branch office to document the on-site network. You find bunches of CAT5 cable lying across the floor in several places. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate action to take?

You are a technician at Domain.com. You have been sent to a newly opened branch office to document the on-site network. You find bunches of CAT5 cable lying across the floor in several places. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate action to take?

Tear out all the CAT5 cable and install a wireless network access point.

Reroute the cables using a protective material.

Secure the cables to the floor with tape so that no one can stumble on them.

Reposition the workstations so that there is no need to route the CAT5 cable over the floor.

You should reroute the cables so that no one can harm the cables or get harmed by them accidentally. Under the floor or above the inner roof would be best.

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