Which of the following should be adjusted?

The folder “Documents” is shared. The user can create and delete documents when on the local
PC, but can only read documents when accessing them remotely. Which of the following should
be adjusted?

The folder “Documents” is shared. The user can create and delete documents when on the local
PC, but can only read documents when accessing them remotely. Which of the following should
be adjusted?

Read Only Attribute

Share Permissions

Firewall Settings

NTFS Permissions

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Fuck me Rob

Fuck me Rob

I am having to many roblems, i need some robatussin so i can fell robtasic for my ass plus on the robmarrow. after that join me on roblox or robscape, also add me on steam and battle.rob my robname is rob is life rob is love

Ass+ Cetfied Rob god enthusiest

Ass+ Cetfied Rob god enthusiest

I gotta say i love being robbed up my Ass+ by the giant cock of the lord and savior RobGod the 1st. he fills me with certy goodness! if you guys are underage and need the certs feel free to give in the Robbester himself so he can rob you to