What two design principles should you follow related to the dynamic calc storage property?

You are designing the storage properties for your Planning application. What two design principles
should you follow related to the dynamic calc storage property?

You are designing the storage properties for your Planning application. What two design principles
should you follow related to the dynamic calc storage property?

Dynamically calculated members should roll up to stored members.

You cannot calculate and store dynamic calculated members in calc scripts and business rules.

Consider dynamic calc members on sparse parents with 100 t children.

Tagging upper-level members of sparse dimensions can reduce block size.

If you use a large number of dynamic calcs, you should consider increasing the Dynamic
Calculator Cache.

Consider Dynamic Calc and Store over Dynamic Calc.

“If you specify a Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store member explicitly in a calculation script,
the calculation script fails. You cannot do a calculation script calculation of a Dynamic Calc or
Dynamic Calc and Store member. To use a calculation script to calculate a member explicitly, do
not tag the member as Dynamic Calc.
E: The dynamic calculator cache is a buffer in memory that Essbase uses to store all of the blocks
needed for a calculation of a Dynamic Calc member in a dense dimension (for example, for a
Incorrect answer:
F: Storing the information is no advantage in this scenario.

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