Which of the following are typical risks and mitigations associated with this new trend?

The increasing complexity of attacks on corporate networks is a direct result of more and more

corporate employees connecting to corporate networks with mobile and personal devices. In most
cases simply banning these connections and devices is not practical because they support
necessary business needs. Which of the following are typical risks and mitigations associated with
this new trend?

The increasing complexity of attacks on corporate networks is a direct result of more and more

corporate employees connecting to corporate networks with mobile and personal devices. In most
cases simply banning these connections and devices is not practical because they support
necessary business needs. Which of the following are typical risks and mitigations associated with
this new trend?

Risks: Data leakage, lost data on destroyed mobile devices, smaller network attack surface,
prohibitive telecommunications costs
Mitigations: Device Encryptions, lock screens, certificate based authentication, corporate telecom

Risks: Confidentiality leaks through cell conversations, availability of remote corporate data,
integrity of data stored on the devices
Mitigations: Cellular privacy extensions, mobile VPN clients, over-the-air backups.

Risks: Data exfiltration, loss of data via stolen mobile devices, increased data leakage at the
network edge
Mitigations: Remote data wipe capabilities, implementing corporate security on personally owned

Risks: Theft of mobile devices, unsanctioned applications, minimal device storage, call quality
Mitigations: GPS tracking, centralized approved application deployment, over-the-air backups,
QoS implementation

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