which of the following?

At one time, security architecture best practices led to networks with a limited number (1-3) of
network access points. This restriction allowed for the concentration of security resources and
resulted in a well defined attack surface. The introduction of wireless networks, highly portable
network devices, and cloud service providers has rendered the network boundary and attack
surface increasingly porous. This evolution of the security architecture has led to which of the

At one time, security architecture best practices led to networks with a limited number (1-3) of
network access points. This restriction allowed for the concentration of security resources and
resulted in a well defined attack surface. The introduction of wireless networks, highly portable
network devices, and cloud service providers has rendered the network boundary and attack
surface increasingly porous. This evolution of the security architecture has led to which of the

Increased security capabilities, the same amount of security risks and a higher TCO but a
smaller corporate datacenter on average.

Increased business capabilities and increased security risks with a lower TCO and smaller
physical footprint on the corporate network.

Increased business capabilities and increased security risks with a higher TCO and a larger
physical footprint.

Decreased business capabilities and increased security risks with a lower TCO and increased
logical footprint due to virtualization.

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