which of the following?

A security engineer is implementing a new solution designed to process e-business transactions
and record them in a corporate audit database. The project has multiple technical stakeholders.
The database team controls the physical database resources, the internal audit division controls
the audit records in the database, the web hosting team is responsible for implementing the
website front end and shopping cart application, and the accounting department is responsible for
processing the transaction and interfacing with the payment processor. As the solution owner, the
security engineer is responsible for ensuring which of the following?

A security engineer is implementing a new solution designed to process e-business transactions
and record them in a corporate audit database. The project has multiple technical stakeholders.
The database team controls the physical database resources, the internal audit division controls
the audit records in the database, the web hosting team is responsible for implementing the
website front end and shopping cart application, and the accounting department is responsible for
processing the transaction and interfacing with the payment processor. As the solution owner, the
security engineer is responsible for ensuring which of the following?

Ensure the process functions in a secure manner from customer input to audit review.

Security solutions result in zero additional processing latency.

Ensure the process of storing audit records is in compliance with applicable laws.

Web transactions are conducted in a secure network channel.

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