Identify two true statements about the DATAEXPORT calc script command.

Identify two true statements about the DATAEXPORT calc script command.

Identify two true statements about the DATAEXPORT calc script command.

Using DATAEXPORT within the FIX statement of a calc script allows you to export specific data
sets from an Essbase database.

DATAEXPORT only exports level zero data.

DATAEXPORT only exports to flat files.

DATAEXPORT only exports entire data blocks.

DATAEXPORT is faster than Essbase Report.

A: To develop a calculation script that exports a subset of data, you first specify the
DATAEXPORTOPTIONS command to define options for export content, format, and process Use
FIX…ENDFIX or EXCLUDE…ENDEXCLUDE calculations to select a slice of the database and
use a DATAEXPORTCOND command to select data based on data values.
Note: The DATAEXPORT command enables calculation scripts to export data in binary or text, or
directly to a relational database. A set of data-export-related calculation commands qualify what
data to export and provide various output and formatting options.
Compared to using other methods to export data, using a calculation script has the following
advantages and disadvantages:
Enables exporting a subset of data.
* Supports multiple targets: flat files, relational databases, and binary files (not B, C, D)
* Provides many flexible options for type and format or data.
* As part of a calculation script, can be easily deployed in a batch process.
* Can be very fast when the dynamic calculation export option is not used because DATAEXPORT
directly accesses Kernel storage blocks in memory. (E)
* Provides, through binary export-import, a faster way to back up and restore data because the
compressed format used by binary export requires less storage for the export files.
* Can be used as a debug tool to trace batch calculation results by using the DATAEXPORT
command before and after other calculation commands to track data changes.
Contains limited data formatting options compared to Report Writer formatting.

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