Which of the following should the security administrator provide to opposing council?

A company has implemented data retention policies and storage quotas in response to their legal
department’s requests and the SAN administrator’s recommendation. The retention policy states
all email data older than 90 days should be eliminated. As there are no technical controls in place,
users have been instructed to stick to a storage quota of 500Mb of network storage and 200Mb of
email storage. After being presented with an e-discovery request from an opposing legal council,
the security administrator discovers that the user in the suit has 1Tb of files and 300Mb of email
spanning over two years. Which of the following should the security administrator provide to
opposing council?

A company has implemented data retention policies and storage quotas in response to their legal
department’s requests and the SAN administrator’s recommendation. The retention policy states
all email data older than 90 days should be eliminated. As there are no technical controls in place,
users have been instructed to stick to a storage quota of 500Mb of network storage and 200Mb of
email storage. After being presented with an e-discovery request from an opposing legal council,
the security administrator discovers that the user in the suit has 1Tb of files and 300Mb of email
spanning over two years. Which of the following should the security administrator provide to
opposing council?

Delete files and email exceeding policy thresholds and turn over the remaining files and email.

Delete email over the policy threshold and hand over the remaining emails and all of the files.

Provide the 1Tb of files on the network and the 300Mb of email files regardless of age.

Provide the first 200Mb of e-mail and the first 500Mb of files as per policy.

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