Which of the following should the security administrator do to ensure the firewall platform is appropriate for the Association?

An Association is preparing to upgrade their firewalls at five locations around the United States.
Each of the three vendor’s RFP responses is in-line with the security and other requirements.
Which of the following should the security administrator do to ensure the firewall platform is
appropriate for the Association?

An Association is preparing to upgrade their firewalls at five locations around the United States.
Each of the three vendor’s RFP responses is in-line with the security and other requirements.
Which of the following should the security administrator do to ensure the firewall platform is
appropriate for the Association?

Correlate current industry research with the RFP responses to ensure validity.

Create a lab environment to evaluate each of the three firewall platforms.

Benchmark each firewall platform’s capabilities and experiences with similar sized companies.

Develop criteria and rate each firewall platform based on information in the RFP responses.

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