what is the optimal layout?

You are designing a form for fast retrieval speed. Assuming a plan type with two dense
dimensions and four sparse dimensions, what is the optimal layout?

You are designing a form for fast retrieval speed. Assuming a plan type with two dense
dimensions and four sparse dimensions, what is the optimal layout?

Sparse dimensions in Page and POV, Dense dimensions in Rows and Columns

Sparse dimensions in Rows and Columns, Dense dimensions in Page and POV

Sparse dimensions in Page and Columns, Dense dimensions in Rows and POV

Sparse dimensions in Page and Rows, Dense dimensions in POV and Columns

The layout of sparse and dense dimensions has no impact on form performance; only the
number cells on a data form impacts form performance.

The Hyperion Planning gurus gave us the following advice:
*Row and Column contain dense dimensions only
*Page and Point of View (POV) contain sparse dimensions only
Suppress Missing Data option enabled so as to not display Rows or Columns without data
Split data forms into multiple data forms that contain fewer Rows and Columns
To put it more simply – KEEP DATA FORMS SMALL!
Note: Dense dimension: In block storage databases, a dimension
likely to contain data for every combination of dimension
members. For example, time dimensions are often dense
because they can contain all combinations of all members.

Sparse dimension: In block storage databases, a dimension
unlikely to contain data for all member combinations when
compared to other dimensions. For example, not all
customers have data for all products
Point of View (POV): Shows information about other members that are valid for the defined
row and column members. POVs identify the database members that populate a data form,
and define data intersections. Members on the rows, columns, and POV axes are constant
(except when they have dynamic user variables).
Page lists: Display different views (pages) of selected member combinations that can span
dimensions, enabling you to work with various member combinations.

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