Which of the following mitigates this activity with the LEAST impact to existing operations?

Noticing latency issues at its connection to the Internet, a company suspects that it is being
targeted in a Distributed Denial of Service attack. A security analyst discovers numerous inbound
monlist requests coming to the company’s NTP servers. Which of the following mitigates this
activity with the LEAST impact to existing operations?

Noticing latency issues at its connection to the Internet, a company suspects that it is being
targeted in a Distributed Denial of Service attack. A security analyst discovers numerous inbound
monlist requests coming to the company’s NTP servers. Which of the following mitigates this
activity with the LEAST impact to existing operations?

Block in-bound connections to the company’s NTP servers.

Block IPs making monlist requests.

Disable the company’s NTP servers.

Disable monlist on the company’s NTP servers.

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