Which of the following would be the GREATEST concern when analyzing the manufacturing control application?

A company uses a custom Line of Business (LOB) application to facilitate all back-end
manufacturing control. Upon investigation, it has been determined that the database used by the
LOB application uses a proprietary data format. The risk management group has flagged this as a
potential weakness in the company’s operational robustness. Which of the following would be the
GREATEST concern when analyzing the manufacturing control application?

A company uses a custom Line of Business (LOB) application to facilitate all back-end
manufacturing control. Upon investigation, it has been determined that the database used by the
LOB application uses a proprietary data format. The risk management group has flagged this as a
potential weakness in the company’s operational robustness. Which of the following would be the
GREATEST concern when analyzing the manufacturing control application?

Difficulty backing up the custom database

Difficulty migrating to new hardware

Difficulty training new admin personnel

Difficulty extracting data from the database

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