Given the following:
Measures (Dense): 40 stored members, 50 total members
Time (Dense): 17 stored members, 17 total members
Scenario (Dense): 2 stored members, 5 total members
Market (Sparse): 100 stored members, 100 total members
Product(Sparse): 500 stored members, 550 total members
What is the block size in bytes?
Block size = 40 * 17 * 2
Block size = 40 * 17 * 2 * 8
Block size = 50 * 17 * 5 * 8
Block size = 50 * 17 * 5
Block size = 100 * 500 * 8
Block size = 100 * 500
We need to multiple the stored (not the total) members of the dense dimensions
(here Measures: 40, Time:17, and Dense:2) with 8 to calculate the block size.
Note: Data block size is determined by the amount of data in particular combination of dense
dimensions. For ex: when you change the dense or sparse configuration of one or more
dimensions in the database, the data block size changes. Data block size is 8n bytes, where n is
the number of cells that exist (ie. Stored, not total) for that combination of dense dimensions.Note:
Optimal range is 8 to 100 kb