In which of the following attacks does an attacker intercept call-signaling SIP message traffic and masquerade as the calling party to the called party and vice-versa?

In which of the following attacks does an attacker intercept call-signaling SIP message traffic and masquerade as the calling party to the called party and vice-versa?

In which of the following attacks does an attacker intercept call-signaling SIP message traffic and masquerade as the calling party to the called party and vice-versa?

Call tampering



Denial of Service

VoIP is more vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. In the man-in-the-middle attack, the attacker intercepts call-signaling SIP message traffic and masquerades as the calling party to the called party, and vice-versa. The attacker can hijack calls via a redirection server after gaining this position.

Answer option A is incorrect. Call tampering involves tampering a phone call in progress. Answer option D is incorrect. DoS attacks occur by flooding a target with unnecessary SIP call- signaling messages. It degrades the service and causes calls to drop prematurely and halts call processing.

Answer option C is incorrect. In eavesdropping, hackers steal credentials and other information.

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