Which malicious technique is used in the above scenario?

Consider the following scenario.

A user receive an email with a link to a video about a news item, but another valid page, for instance a product page on ebay.com, can be hidden on top underneath the ‘Play’ button of the news video. The user tries to play’ the video but actually buys’ the product from ebay.com.

Which malicious technique is used in the above scenario?

Consider the following scenario.

A user receive an email with a link to a video about a news item, but another valid page, for instance a product page on ebay.com, can be hidden on top underneath the ‘Play’ button of the news video. The user tries to play’ the video but actually buys’ the product from ebay.com.

Which malicious technique is used in the above scenario?

Malicious add-ons

Cross-Site Request Forgery


Non-blind spoofing

Click-jacking is a malicious technique that is used to trick Web users into revealing confidential information or sometimes taking control of their computer while clicking on apparently innocuous Web pages. Click-jacking is used to take the form of embedded code/script that can execute without the users’ knowledge, such as clicking on a button appearing to execute another function. The term “click-jacking” was invented by Jeremiah Grossman and Robert Hansen in 2008. The exploit is also known as UI redressing, Click-jacking can be understood as an instance of the confused deputy problem.

Answer option D is incorrect. Non-blind spoofing is a type of IP spoofing attack. This attack occurs when the attacker is on the same subnet as the destination computer, or along the path of the destination traffic. Being on the same subnet, it is easy for the attacker to determine the sequence number and acknowledgement number of the data frames. In a non-blind spoofing attack, the attacker can redirect packets to the destination computer using valid sequence numbers and acknowledge numbers. The result is that the computer’s browser session is redirected to a malicious website or compromised legitimate sites that may infect computer with malicious code or

allow the attacker to perform other malicious activities.

Answer option A is incorrect, Add-ons such as browser plug-ins, application add-ons. font packs, and other after-market components can be an attack vector for hackers. Such add-ons are malicious add-ons. These add-ons can be Trojan horses infecting computers. Antivirus software is an obvious form of defense. Security administrators should also establish a corporate security policy prohibiting the installation and use of unapproved add-ons.

Answer option B is incorrect. CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) is a malicious exploit of a website, whereby unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user trusted by the website. It is also known as a one-click attack or session riding. CSRF occurs when a user is tricked by an attacker into activating a request in order to perform some unauthorized action. It increases data loss and malicious code execution.

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