What is the first thing Fred should do to solve the problem?

Fred is a network administrator for an insurance company. Lately there has been an issue with the antivirus software not updating. What is the first thing Fred should do to solve the problem?

Fred is a network administrator for an insurance company. Lately there has been an issue with the antivirus software not updating. What is the first thing Fred should do to solve the problem?

Devise a plan to solve the problem

Clearly define the problem

Try reasonable alternatives

Consider probable causes

The first step in problem solving is always to clearly define the problem. You have to fist be able to clearly define the problem before any other problem solving steps can be taken.

Answer option C is incorrect. You cannot try reasonable alternatives until you define the problem.

Answer option D is incorrect. Considering probable causes is an excellent idea, once you have defined the problem.

Answer option A is incorrect. You must first define the problem, then devise a plan before you have any chance of solving the problem.

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ali imran

ali imran

problem is already clearly defined that antivirus program is not updating