Identify two valid reasons for creating multiple griddisks on a Single celldisk.
To segregate storage into multiple pools with different performance characteristics
To facilitate normal or high redundancy ASM diskgroups
To enable disk mirroring for the system area
To segregate storage into multiple pools that can be assigned to different databases
To segregate storage into multiple pools that can be assigned to different resource consumer
groups in the same database.
Creating multiple grid disks per cell disk allows you to create multiple pools of
storage on the same Exadata Storage Server.The multiple grid disks can be assigned to separate
ASM diskgroups, which can be provisioned to different databases.
*Celldisks are the third layer of abstraction. It was introduced to enable interleaving in the first
*Griddisks are the fourth layer of abstraction, and they will be the Candidate Disks to build your
ASM diskgroups from.
* The first grid disk created on the cell disk will allocate space from the outer tracks and move
towards the inner tracks, reserving the number of tracks that correspond to the size of the grid
disk.This grid disk provides the fastest performance since the outer tracks of a hard disk provide
the best read/write performance.The next grid disk you will create starts from the tracks where the
first grid disk ends, and this process repeats until you exhaust all the space on the cell disk or you
are done creating the grid disks.
A and D correct answer
use A and D, since A related to the performance with the most outside disk which is fastest.
So many error answers from TestKing.